Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year....or Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu as my mother would say!

New Year's is all about resolutions and fresh starts. I can list 100 resolutions, you know, like losing weight, getting more exercise, being organized, etc. In fact I should list those as I could benefit from each one! Those will be on my mind as 2011 goes on, but since I have this passion for quilting and this blog is mainly about quilting I feel I need to list my quilting resolutions. So here they are:

Do more sewing! Now I know this sounds simple and it should be simple but sometimes I find myself doing everything else or nothing in particular and days go by without me even taking a peek into my sewing room. Sewing makes me happy so what's the deal? So...I resolve to do more sewing!

Get my scraps in order. I throw my scraps all together. I've seen various posts in blogland on how to organize them and I will try to implement some of what I've by color, cutting them down to various sizes, etc. I may not get all my old scraps like this but I resolve to do that with any new scraps I generate.

List my finishes. This seems simple, but when I think back to 2010, I don't know that I can list everything quilt related I've done. It's made especially hard when you give away things so you can't see what you've done. I actually do take pictures of what I've done but those photos aren't organized in the proper way either. So, I will list my finishes on this blog with photos too. (I hope I can make it work!)

I was going to list more resolutions and then thought...those 3 should be a good start to the year. So, I'll leave it at that. Here's to sewing happiness and looking forward to 2011 as a very good year!