This quilt was done when I lived in Ohio. We had a flying geese exchange and the rule was to use batiks and have contrast. I decided to put the blocks together to resemble an Ohio star. I loved being part of this group and was sad to leave it. I made sure I used at least one of every piece exchanged (we made 2 of each set to exchange and we made 2 sets each month to dole out to every member participating). This was the only quilt I've had quilted for me.

This next quilt was a result of a class I took at the 2009 Utah State Quilt Festival. I made a slight change to the pattern. I used Moda fabrics, using a charm pack, jelly roll, and some added fabrics for the borders. The pattern is called square dance. This is one of the first quilts I quilted on my longarm. I really love this and it currently hangs in my living room.
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